When booking a luxury chauffeur in Maltait is important to check that the company you’ve chosen is up to your standards. Besides weighing up the merits of your chosen luxury chauffeur service, a little bit of research can also help to alleviate any concerns or questions you might have. We’ve made a list of the most pertinent queries that customers may have before choosing to book a luxury chauffeuring Malta. Regardless of your chosen luxury chauffeur service, it is important to make sure that they are the right fit for you!

What is the payment procedure?

Some clients prefer to sort out their payment prior to arrival so they can sit back and enjoy their airport chauffeur service without having to think about money. In other cases, a company might book an executive chauffeur service for its employees. In the latter case, it is even more important to ensure a clear understanding of the payment procedure. Some questions worth asking before confirming your booking are;

  • Will you have to pay full upfront or is a deposit sufficient to make the booking?
  • What’s the cancellation period and do they offer full refunds if canceled before a certain date?
  • Are there facilities to pay by card once the ride is over, and is the driver’s tip included in the quote that you’re given?
  • What payment options do they offer?

How will I recognise my driver?

Whether you’re booking an airport chauffeur service or hiring a chauffeur for a point-to-point service, it is better to establish how you will identify your driver beforehand and avoid that last-minute fumbling trying to call the luxury chauffeur service. In most cases, a chauffeur will be waiting at your designated pick up point a few minutes before the pick-up time.

If you’ve booked an airport chauffeur service, you should confirm whether your chauffeur will be holding up your name on a board or an I-pad. Established chauffeur services will have its employees sporting a distinct uniform to help identify your driver. It is always a good idea to have a contingency plan, which is identifying who to contact if you cannot find your driver. This might be a designated office number or the chauffeur’s contact details.

Is your driver up to standard?

On the topic of chauffeurs, most respectable luxury chauffeur services conduct thorough screening checks to guarantee that all their drivers are up to company standards. If you’re traveling by yourself or would like some added peace of mind there is no harm in asking these questions. If you have any medical conditions or particular requirements that your chauffeur ought to be aware of then you should inform them when booking and remind them again closer to the day of the booking.

What type of vehicles do they use?

You can tell a lot about a person from their car, this is especially true for a luxury chauffeur service! From the types of vehicles in their fleet to whether they are well-maintained or even something as simple as how clean the car is can give you a good indication of the kind of service, you can expect.  If you’re booking a luxury chauffeur service, have a look at their fleet online and see which vehicles they use. For luxurychauffeurservicesonly the most prestigious of vehicles should be used, usually, these are black Mercedes or BMW.

When confirming your booking you should ask which car will be picking you up, you could also ask for the license plate. If you’re booking on behalf of a large group or you request a particular car, make sure you confirm that the vehicle you will be using accommodates your specifications. 

What about Insurance?

In Malta, any vehicle on the road must legally be covered by at least 3rd party insurance.  Most luxury chauffeur services will include the cost of insurance into their prices, however, double-checking never hurt anyone. This is particularly the case if booking a luxury chauffeur service for a large group of people as in these cases adequate coverage is essential.

Bookinga luxurychauffeurserviceis all about finding the right service for you, one which can accommodate your schedule. Remember that a luxurychauffeurserviceis all about providing you with a sophisticated, punctual and high-quality service. If you’re still not sure about bookinga luxurychauffeur inMalta, we’ve made a list of the top 5 reasonswhy you should treat yourself to a luxurychauffeurservice!

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